Use credit cards. As I have mentioned time and again, spending using credit cards is a great way of saving money as you will not only earn loyalty points but can also avail cash backs and promotions that may be running.
Plan so that you can make bulk purchase and avail more discount on sweets, gifts and so on. These purchases can be either from supermarkets or wholesale stores.
Avoid last minute rush. As Diwali nears everything is costlier, so avoid buying at the last moment, it will save you a bomb.
Use online discounts. Use the upcoming online sales to plan and buy. You can get some good discounts. But beware, don’t buy because you are getting a deal, buy because you need it.
Make a list to avoid unnecessary purchases. As stated earlier, we sometimes give in to our temptations, especially when it is perceived as a bargain. Ensure that you buy what you need.
Do it yourself. This is one the best ways not only to save money but to bring that personal touch to your festival bringing family together, be it making decorations, diyas or sweets.
So follow these thumb rules and add sparkle to Diwali without bombing your pocket.